What kinds of animals will I see on safari in Tanzania?



What kinds of animals will I see on safari in Tanzania?

Posted By : Spider Tour/ 0

Tanzania is home to over 35 species of large four-legged mammals and has over 1000 species of birds. On a typical safari in northern Tanzania you can expect to see elephant, buffalo, giraffe, hippo, baboons, monkeys and a variety of plains game such as wildebeest, hartebeest, zebra, impala and gazelle. Most people see lions and hyenas, and possibly a cheetah or leopard. In Ngorongoro Crater you may see one of the few remaining black rhino to be found in Tanzania. You’ll undoubtedly see several different species of mongoose and some hyrax and other small mammals. If you’re lucky, you’ll see one or more of the smaller cats, foxes, wild dog or the more reticent antelope like lesser kudu, bushbuck, oryx or eland.