6 Days Wildlife Safari

6 Days Wildlife Safari

Departure Date






Maximum Seats


With this 6 Days Safari Ngorongoro-Lake Manyara-Serengeti, you will lively witness on your own eyes one of the amzing wonders of the world in Serengeti National Park where millions of wildebeest, zebras and antelopes migrate naturally from Serengeti to Masai mara and viceversa each year. Serengeti National Park is the bigest park in Tanzania and the host of the world largest mammal migration of wildebeests, zebras and antelopes. More than 2 million of wildebeest, half a million of zebras and antelopes migarte to and from Masai mara in Kenya seraching for water and pasture. Additionally, you will also visit Ngorongoro crater where millions of different species form an amzing ecosystem in one crater floor.

Day 1: Leave Moshi/Arusha – Lake Manyara
Pickup from your Arusha Hotel and drive to Lake Manyara. Game viewing en route. Luch at the lodge then followed by an afternoon game drive. Return to the lodge befoer dusk and your Dinner and overnight at a lodge or Camp inside the Park or outside the park.

Day 2: Lake Manyara – Serengeti National Park
Depart after breakfast to Serengeti passing through Olduvai Gorge the site for Leakey’s family discoveries of fossils of human and animal ancestors dating to almost two million years back. Game viewing enroute, with an afternoon game drive.

Dinner and overnight at lodge or Camp inside the park or outside the park depending on your choice.

Day 3: Serengeti National Park
A full day in endless vast plains of Serengeti National park, Enjoying a morning game viewing. After Lunch you proceed fo an afternoon game drive and your dinner will be served at your lodge/Camp overnight at lodge/Camp

Day 4: Serengeti – Ngorongoro
Early morning tea or coffee followed by a morning game drive. After breakfast depart to Ngorongoro, which is among the seven wonders of the world, The Ngorongoro Crater. Dinner and overnight at a lodge/Camp on a rim of the crater.

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater
After breakfast you will start descending 2000ft down the crater by using our 4wheel drive safari vehicle for a full day exploring the crater, Then you will have a break to enjoy a picnic lunch inside the crater. After lunch you continue with Exploring this magnific crater while concentrating on hundrends of games inside the crater.Then later this day you will ascend back to the lodge/Camp for dinner and overnight.

Day 6:Leave  Ngorongoro – Moshi  Arusha
You will enjoy your breakfast in the at the lodge/Camp then after breakfast depart for Arusha arriving Arusha in time to lunch.